Hello everyone! I just got back to Muizenberg after two weeks in Zwelethembe, Worcester, South Africa. This was a rural area of South Africa, where we lived and did our studies to kick off the program. This township was specifically designed by the apartheid government for black Africans during apartheid. Today, it’s home to many people who I got the privilege to meet and live amongst. This township is tight-knit, and my homestay family and neighbors made these two weeks so beautiful. Every morning we were greeted by the kids playing in the street who also walked us home. They were so sweet!

Me and my roommate with our homestay mother
Zwelethembe had the most beautiful mountains and views. I was originally worried about being in a rural stay for two whole weeks because I’m so used to being in cities, but the community here is so warm and the environment is beautiful. IHP also kept us busy with classes and tons of site visits, so I was never bored.

My view every morning

Me in my classroom
I already miss Zwelethembe and my homestay mother. Maybe someday life will take me back to visit this sweet township!