Today, while casually checking my email, I saw a very familiar name! “Jomaira Salas Pujols is awarded a National Science Foundation fellowship for graduate research.”
That’s my sister!!!!
Jomaira graduated from Bryn Mawr in 2013 with a sociology major. Right now she’s getting her PhD in Sociology at Rutgers University and she has the beautiful privilege of being awarded the NSF fellowship for her research.

(Also to her defense this picture is 6 years old and does her no justice.)
Jomi is such a passionate person. If you ask her about what she studies, she could go on for hours about her work and why it’s important and how she wants to change the world. My sister does it all!! She’s a Posse scholar, a Mellon Mays fellow, a PhD student, a Bryn Mawr trustee, a revolutionary, and now an NSF fellow.
I know she always talks about how Posse and Bryn Mawr and awesome mentors helped her get to where she is today. I love seeing my sister succeed and get the recognition she deserves.
Cheers for powerful Bryn Mawr women!